Michael O'Neill

Title: Professor of Agronomy and former Jose Fernandez Memorial Chair in Crop Production Jose Fernandez Chair
Research Area: Agronomy, Agroforestry, Biofuels, Hybrid Poplar, Oilseeds
Office Location: Agricultural Science Center - Farmington (https://farmingtonsc.nmsu.edu)
Email Address: moneill@nmsu.edu
Office Phone: (505) 960-7757
Office Fax: (505) 960-5246
Career interests and profile:
Agroforestry, agronomy, crop physiology, crop introduction, agricultural research, microirrigation, natural resources management for the semi-arid high plateau of north-western New Mexico and surrounding areas. Collaborative links with international agricultural research institutes, universities, development organizations, agribusiness and/or consulting firms.
Superintendent with overall responsibility for management of a 250-acre agricultural research facility situated in the high desert of northwestern New Mexico;
Research encompass the judicious use of water through microirrigation in semi-arid environments; hybrid poplar introductions into the region; variety trials for state and national testing programs;
Over 20 years of international agricultural research and development experience, primarily in Africa (Ghana, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Kenya), and India;
Team leader for three projects in the coffee-based land use system of Embu, Kenya including the National Agroforestry Research Project (NAFRP), the African Highlands Initiative (AHI), and the Systemwide Livestock Project (SLP);
Senior Agronomist in Kenya and Niger leading research and dissemination efforts in mixed, small-holder farming systems;
Designed, implemented and analyzed irrigated and dryland agronomic trials in semi-arid Arizona and Sahelian West Africa;
Solid knowledge base of the interactions between crops, livestock, and trees and their productivity within prevailing climatic parameters;
Management of, and participation in, interdisciplinary, multi-cultural, multi-lingual teams operating within national agricultural research systems (NARS) in collaboration with international agricultural research centers (IARC), universities, national extension programs, and non-governmental organizations;
Management of on-station and on-farm nurseries for the production of a diverse range of tree species used in agroforestry research and dissemination;
Strong analytical skills necessary for on-station/on-farm research and dissemination;
Excellent association with donor community and solid knowledge of proposal development and project monitoring processes;
Firm grasp of computer software and literate in: Microsoft Office (i.e. MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Access), Genstat, SPSS, Corel DRAW, Corel PhotoPaint, ArcView, and Email communication;
Advisor for post-graduate students 20 at the MS level and 10 at the Ph.D. level.
Employment history:
Professor July 2010 - Present: New Mexico State University
Associate Professor and Superintendent July 2005 - June 2010: New Mexico State University
Assistant Professor and Superintendent 1999 - 2005: New Mexico State University
Senior Scientist Agronomist/Agroforester 1991 - 1999: International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF)
Assistant Professor Agronomist 1989 - 1991: University of Missouri
Senior Agronomist 1985 - 1989: Development Alternatives, Inc.
International Intern 1982 1984: International Crop Research Institute for the semi-arid Tropics (ICRISAT)
Graduate Research Associate 1979 - 1982: University of Arizona
Graduate Research Assistant 1977 - 1979: University of Arizona
Research Assistant 1976 - 1977: University of Arizona, Agricultural Research Station, Yuma, AZ
Peace Corps Volunteer 1971 - 1974: Ghana and Burkina Faso, West Africa
Ph.D. Agronomy and Plant Genetics 1979 - 1982 University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
M.S. Soil and Water Science 1977 - 1979 University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
Diploma Social Ecology 6/75 - 8/75 Goddard College, Plainfield, Vermont
B.S. Biology/Chemistry 1966 - 1971 Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
English Excellent written and spoken capabilities (Mother tongue)
French Written and spoken capabilities
Societies and clubs
Member: Western Regional Research Project - W1128, Reducing Barriers to Adoption of Microirrigation 2000 - Present
Member: Soil and Water Conservation Society 1995 - Present
Member: World Association of Soil and Water Conservation 1995 - Present
Adviser: International Foundation for Science 1994 - Present
Reviewer: East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal 1989 - Present
Reviewer: Journal of Arid Environments 1999 - Present
Member: American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America, and Crop Science Society of America 1977 -
Treasurer: American Employees Recreation Association, Niamey, Niger 1987 - 1988
Treasurer: American Embassy Commissary, Niamey, Niger 1986 - 1987