Anowar Islam

Image of Anowar Islam

Research Interests:

Develop modern and innovative research programs that are sustainable, profitable, and environmentally friendly with special emphasis on Agronomy. Examples include: germplasm search and evaluation (nationally and internationally) for selection/cultivar development; establishment and best management practices (BMP) for profitable and sustainable forage crop production yet environmentally friendly (e.g., improved yield and quality, soil health, and water and nutrient use efficiency); forage-based cropping systems and integration of the cropping systems with food, feed and livestock production; establishment and incorporation of legumes into the pastures; alternative/multipurpose use of forage crops, e.g., bioenergy crops, specialty crops, small grains/annuals; nutritive value; and seed production.


  • Ph.D. Agriculture (Agronomy), University of Sydney, Australia, 2003
    Title of the dissertation: Responses of accessions of Austrodanthonia spp. to factors associated
    with soil acidity. Ph.D. dissertation. The University of Sydney, Australia.
    Available at (verified
    December 4, 2022; file viewed and downloaded by worldwide viewers = 8,852).
  • M.S. Agronomy-Soil Fertility, Institute of Postgraduate Studies in Agriculture, Bangladesh, 1996
    Title of the thesis: Growth and yield response of onion to different sources of potash and their fertilization method. M.S. thesis. Institute of Postgraduate Studies in Agriculture, Bangladesh.
  • B.S. Agriculture (major subjects-Agronomy, Crop Science, Soil Science, Animal Husbandry, Genetics and Plant Breeding), Bangladesh Agricultural University, 1990.

Professional Memberships:

  • American Society of Agronomy
  • Crop Science Society of America
  • Soil Science Society of America
  • American Forage and Grassland Council
  • Western Society of Crop Science
  • US-JSPS (United States-Japan Society for the Promotional Science)
  • Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP) (Extension Professionals’ Organization)
  • Gamma Sigma Delta, the Honor Society of Agriculture