Horticulture Career Opportunities
Horticulture includes a wide variety of topics that relate to fruit, vegetable, and ornamental crops, and their uses. Careers range from production management to processing and marketing, retail and wholesale management, greenhouse and nursery production, floriculture, landscaping, turf management, research and development, various service activities and positions with local, state, and federal agencies. Students with a Bachelor of Science in Horticulture are prepared for careers in the green industry.
Career examples:
Sales Manager
Plant Genetic Engineer
Human Resource Specialist
Irrigation Technician
Landscape Construction Foreman
Landscape Designer
Plant Propagation Manager
Cooperative Extension Agent
Marketing Manager
Newspaper Agricultural Journalist
Production Manager
Irrigation Auditor
Landscape Estimator
Research Technician
For More Information
Dr. Geno Picchioni
P.O. Box 30003. MSC 3 Q
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003-0003
Phone: (575) 646-3405
Email: gpicchio@nmsu.edu