Robert Flynn

Doctor of Philosophy: Agronomy and Soils, Auburn University. Dissertation topic: Comparative Evaluations of composted broiler litter for crop production. August 1995
Masters of Science: Agronomy, Colorado State University. Thesis: Growth characteristics and yield response of CHENOPODIUM QUINOA to increasing soil water deficit. August 1990
Bachelor of Science: Agronomy, colorado State University. Soil Science Concentration. May 1986
Present Position:
Associate Professor (10/01) and Acting Superintendent (6/02). Research (40%) and Extension (50%) programs in rural agricultural waste management, nutrient management, water quality, and cropping systems for dairies. Address soil quality, soil fertility, salinity, and water quality and quantity concerns for alfalfa, permanent pastures, chile, corn, small grains, cotton, peanuts, rotational grazing systems. Develop science based nutrient recommendations for insertion into computer workbook and technical assistance guide developed for NM farmers and home owners in conjunction with USDA-NRCS. Oversee 11 permanent full-time employees and provide assistance to two NMSU resident faculty. Responsible for science center budget and record keeping.
Previous Experience:
Assistant Professor (9/95 - 9/01). Research and Extension Programs in Nutrient Management, Crop Production, Chile Production Systems, Salinity Management.
Graduate Research Assistant, Sustainable Agriculture, Resources and Environment (9/90 - 8/95). Auburn University, Alabama. Field Agronomist, Soil Fertility & Irrigation Management, Agro Engineering Inc., Alamosa, CO, 5/85 to 9/88. Intern Agronomist, ServiTech, Oberlin, KS. Summer 1984.
Leadership Development:
2003 ESCOP/ACOP Leadership Development Workshop. Indianapolis, IN.
2004 ESCOP/ACOP Leadership Development Followup. Washington, DC.