Nick Webb

Image of Nick Webb


  • 2008 Ph.D. Geomorphology, University of Queensland
  • 2004 B.Sc. Geographical Sciences (Hons), University of Queensland
  • 2003 B.Sc. Earth Science and Geographic Information Science (double major), University of Queensland

Professional Experience:

2017 - Present USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, NMSU, Research Associate Professor

2012 - 2017 USDA-ARS Jornada Experimental Range, NMSU, Research Assistant Professor

2012 Griffith University, Atmospheric Environment Research Centre, Visiting Research Fellow

2009 to 2011 CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship, Office of the Chief Executive (OCE) Postdoctoral Fellow

2005 to 2008 University of Queensland, School of Geography, Planning & Architecture, Doctoral Student

2002 to 2008 Griffith University, Australian Rivers Institute, Research Assistant

Primary Research Interests:

  • Aeolian processes - spatiotemporal patterns and drivers of wind erosion and dust emission

  • Land degradation processes and climate-management interactions

  • Rangeland management

  • Climate change impacts and adaptation in socio-ecological systems

Synergistic Activities:

  • Principal Investigator, National Wind Erosion Research Network

  • Member, American Geophysical Union

  • Member, European Geosciences Union

  • Associate Editor, Rangeland Ecology and Management

  • Associate Editor, Land Degradation and Development
