Bernhard Leinauer

Ph.D.: 1997, Hohenheim University, Stuttgart, Germany, Department of Crop Production and Grassland Science. Thesis: Irrigation Effects on Water Use, Drought Stress Tolerance, and Recuperative Ability of Several Turfgrasses.
M.S.: 1990, Hohenheim University, Stuttgart, Germany, Department of Crop Production and Grassland Science. Thesis: Drought Effects on Recuperative Ability of Turfgrasses.
Research Interests:
Irrigation with recycled and/or high saline water and subsequent effects on plant and soil quality
Implementing technologies for monitoring water and salinity in soils and associated stress in plants
Mitigation of water repellency in root zones
Screening for low water use, cold and salt tolerant grass species and cultivars
Efficient use of irrigation water on turf (e.g. alternative irrigation systems, irrigation scheduling, and modification of turfgrass root zones)