David W. DuBois

- Ph.D., Atmospheric Science, 2003, University of Nevada, Reno
- M.S., Physics, 1991, New Mexico State University
- B.A., Physics, 1988, Rutgers University
2010 - present State Climatologist, New Mexico State University, Department of Plant & Environmental Sciences, Las Cruces, NM
2009 - 2010 Associate Research Air Quality Scientist, Desert Research Institute, Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Las Vegas, NV
2003 - 2009 Assistant Research Air Quality Scientist, Desert Research Institute, Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Las Vegas, NV
2001 - 2003 Manager, Dispersion Modeling and Emission Inventory Section, Air Quality Bureau, New Mexico Environment Department, Santa Fe, NM
1999 - 2001 Environmental Engineering Specialist, Dispersion Modeling Section, Air Quality Bureau, New Mexico Environment Department, Santa Fe, NM
1995 - 1999 Research Assistant, Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV
1991 - 1995 Associate Scientist, SciTec, Inc., Princeton, NJ
Current Position
As the New Mexico State Climatologist I assess the effects of climate on the natural environment, agricultural production, land and natural resources, and human health in New Mexico. A significant part of my duties include providing climatological data services and assessments. I also provide climate information and education to the public through speaking engagements, school demonstrations, and tours. Managing the New Mexico Climate Center also falls under my direction. The Center maintains archives of meteorological data collected throughout the state of New Mexico from many public and private networks. The Center operates a network of automated surface weather stations throughout the state with most of these located at NMSU Agricultural Science Centers. I also am the NM state coordinator for the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow (CoCoRaHS) network.
Research Interests
Related to my position as State Climatologist, my research interests are centered around the effects of meteorology and climate on air quality. One focus area is determining how wind erosion frequency and intensity may change in response to changes in climate particularly in the Southwest US. I operate the NMSU Atmospheric Profiling Laboratory for measuring the three-dimensional structure of the lower atmosphere. This laboratory utilizes various in-situ aerosol and meteorological instrumentation including a tethered meteorological balloon system, a laser ceilometer, and sun photometers. Another research area that I been involved in is regional haze. I have been involved in several studies to determine the causes of haze at many wilderness areas and national parks in the US. Along with this research I have interests in Lagrangian trajectory modeling, and determining aerosol optical properties from in-situ and remote observations. Other research areas that interest me include satellite remote sensing, the design and evaluation of air quality and climate monitoring networks, applications of GIS to atmospheric sciences, and atmospheric dispersion modeling.
Teaching Interests
I have started a new course called Introduction to Air Pollution that introduces students to the science and technology. For the fall 2011 semester, I have offered it as AGRO 450 but it will be taught as ES 460 in the future and will be listed as such in the NMSU course catalog. While at the Desert Research Institute I taught Air Pollution Control Fundamentals CEE 452/652 and Meteorology and Climate, GEOG 390 at the University of Nevada Las Vegas.
Research Funding
The NM State Climate Office and CARSAME Portal for Community Access to Meteorological, Satellite, and Model Archives, Unidata, 2011, $12K, PI
Station history summaries for Cooperative stations in EPZ WFO region New Mexico, American Association for State Climatologists, 2011, $4K, PI
An Assessment of Climate Variability and Air Quality in New Mexico, NOAA RISA Office through CLIMAS program, 2010-2012, $80K, PI
Assessing Region Climate Service Needs through Cooperative Extension for New Mexico, NOAA RISA Office through CLIMAS program, 2010-2011, $19K, PI
Binational Border Region Air Quality Study, Office of Border Health, New Mexico Department of Health, 2010-2013, $940K, PI
A Study of Sunland Park Low-Wind PM2.5 Exceedances, New Mexico Environment Department, Air Quality Bureau, 2009-2010, $20K, PI
Fire-Induced Changes of Soil Structure: Implications for Soil Hydraulic Properties and Coupled Erosion by Water and Wind, NSF-RAPID, 2009-2010, $30K, co-PI
Aerosol Modification of Snow Albedo in Southern Nevada and its Influence on Snow Melt and Spring Runoff, Nevada NSF EPSCoR, 2009-2010, $29K, PI
Wildfire Effects on PM emissions from Contaminated Soils Sites, DOE, National Nuclear Security Administration, 2007-2009, $283K, co-PI
Summer 2007 Treasure Valley Ozone Precursor Study, Idaho DEQ, 2007-2008, $80K, co-PI
Unpaved Road Characterization in the Paso del Norte Region, US EPA Border 2012, 2007-2008, $67K, co-PI
WRAP Causes of Haze (Phase IV), Western Regional Air Partnership, 2006-2007, $225K, co-PI
Fish & Wildlife Causes of Haze, US Fish and Wildlife Service, 2006, $117K, co-PI
Tribal Causes of Haze, Phase II, Western Regional Air Partnership, 2006, $75K, co-PI
PM10 Emission Inventory for Bernalillo County in 2005, City of Albuquerque, $50K, PI
Community Air Toxics Assessment for City of Albuquerque, US EPA Region 6, 2005-2009, $330K, co-PI
3-D Visualization of Atmospheric Degradation using the DRI CAVE Facility, US Army STTC, 2005, $50K, co-PI
WRAP Causes of Haze, Phase III, Western Regional Air Partnership, 2005-2006, $225K, co-PI
Tribal Causes of Haze, Phase I, Western Regional Air Partnership, 2004, $50K, co-PI
WRAP Causes of Haze, Phase II, Western Regional Air Partnership, 2004-2005, $225K, co-PI
AERI data analysis and atmospheric profiling assistance contract, US Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration, Remote Sensing Laboratory, in 2004, $58K, PI
Clark County Ozone and Precursors Study: Upper Air Meteorological Data Network, Clark County Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management, 2004-2005, $808K, co-PI
Clark County Ozone Nonattainment Boundary Assessment, Clark County Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management, 2004, $32K, PI