William Lindemann

- Ph.D. Soil Microbiology/Plant Physiology, University of Minnesota.
- M.S. Soil Microbiology/Biochemistry, University of Minnesota.
- B.S. Plant Industries, Southern Illinois University.
- 1970-1972, US Army
- 1972-1974 Research Assistant, University of Minnesota
- 1974-1975 Research and Production Assistant, Research Seeds, Inc., St. Joseph, MO.
- 1975-1977 Research Assistant, University of Minnesota
- 1978-1979 Visiting Assistant Professor, NMSU
- 1980-1985 Assistant Professor, NMSU
- 1985-1990 Associate Professor, NMSU
- 1991-2014 Professor, NMSU
As a twelve month employee at NMSU, I hold a joint teaching/research appointment that is funded by Instruction and General Funds and the New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station.
ARCPACS Certified Professional Soil Scientist
ARCPACS Certified Professional Agronomist
Service includes Plant and Environmental Sciences Academic Head Advisory Group, Curriculum Committee, Tenure and Promotion Committee, Recruitment Committee, and many other committees and subcommittees in the department, including chair of all of them at one time. I have been the mentor of 4 junior faculty as they went through the Promotion and Tenure process and I am currently mentoring a new faculty member. I have recruited extensively for the Environmental Sciences degree programs via high school presentations. I was awarded the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Service Award
Service to College of Agriculture and Home Economics includes the Tenure and Promotion Committee, Curriculum Committee, Peer Parity Committee, Long Range Planning Committee, Budge Reduction Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, and many other committees and subcommittees in the college including search committees for the Dean, Associate Deans, Department Heads, and off campus superintendents and faculty for research and extension positions.
University wide service has included The University General Education Committee, two terms as Faculty Senator, University Research Council, Graduate School Council (Chair and Vice-Chair), University Appeals Committee, University Patent Committee, North Central Accreditation Review Committee, Advisory Council for University Policy, and numerous other lesser committees/subcommittees. I have served on Tenure and Promotion Committees for the College of Health and Social Services when a department did not have a full professor. I was awarded the Faculty Senator Award from the College of Agriculture and Home Economics.
Numerous consulting activities including local, state and federal government as well as private companies in the capacity of soil scientist, agronomist, environmentalist, and microbiologist. Other professional service has included numerous committees within the American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America, and, to a lesser extent, American Society for Microbiology. I have served the agricultural interests in the state by giving several extension talks to clientele groups every year and have worked closely with the pecan industry in New Mexico, West Texas, and Arizona the last 12 years. I am actively involved with the Western Pecan Producers, NM Pecan Producers, Arizona Pecan Producers, and the NM Chile Association. I am a featured speaker and give formal presentations for the City of Las Cruces Lush and Lean programs and the Master Gardener program. I was a formal reviewer of academic, research, and service programs of the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences at Southern Illinois University with regards to their academic and research programs.