Naveen Puppala

- B.S., Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, A.P. India*
- M.S., Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,T.N. India*
- Ph.D., New Mexico State University, N.M. USA*
Area of Specialization
- Plant Breeding and Plant Physiology
Professional Experience
- 2009 - present - College Associate Professor, Agricultural Science Center at Clovis, New Mexico State University.
- 2003- 2009 - College Assistant Professor, Agricultural Science Center at Clovis, New Mexico State University. 1999-2003, Agriculture Specialist, ASC at Clovis, New Mexico State University.
- 1996-1999 - Specialist, Dept. of Agronomy, New Mexico State University.
- 1992-1995 - Research Asst. Dept. of Agronomy, New Mexico State University.
- 7/92-8/92 - Consultant, ICRISAT, Legumes Program, Patancheru, India.
- 8/91-6/92 - Research Associate, ICRISAT, Resource Management Program.
Research Interests
My present research focuses on peanut Valencia breeding with emphasis on variety development for high yield; high oleic; four seeds per pod; good taste and disease resistance using molecular techniques and conventional breeding approaches.
International Experience
I was involved with the Peanut and Mycotoxin Innovation Lab (PMIL), funded by USAID, in Bulgaria for seven years (2000-2007) and then for the last 5 years I have been working in Uganda, Thailand and India.
Recent Research Funding
- Puppala, N., and S. Sanogo. Global Valencia Peanut Niche Market Development. Grants have been secured from USAID-Peanut CRSP through University of Georgia. Received $ 380,000 for 2007-2012.
- Puppala, N. Analysis of Molecular Diversity in Valencia Peanut Core Collection.-Year1. Grants requested $ 19,967 for 2009 from National Peanut Research Board, Georgia, USA.
- Puppala, N. Analysis of Molecular Diversity in Valencia Peanut Core Collection-Year-2. Grants have been secured from National Peanut Research Board, Georgia, USA. Received $9,121 for 2010.
- Puppala, N. Fatty Acid Analysis of Valencia Peanut Core Collection. Grants have been secured from National Peanut Research Board, Georgia, USA. Received $ 8,850 for 2011.
- Puppala, N. and S. Sanogo. Factors Affecting Mycelium Pigmentation and Pathogenicity of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on Peanut. Grants have been secured from National Peanut Research Board, Georgia, USA. Received $ 8,137 for 2012.
- Puppala, N.. Grants have been secured from National Peanut Research Board, Georgia, USA. Received $ 15,826 for 2013.
Recent Peer Reviewed Publications
- Ligeon, C., C. Jolly, N. Bencheva, S. Delikostadinov and N. Puppala. 2013. Production efficiency and risks in limited resource farming: The case of Bulgarian peanut industry. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics. April 2013. Bulgarian Peanut Industry.
- Kandala, C.V., J. Sundaram and N. Puppala. 2012. Nondestructive measurement of moisture content of different types of wheat using a single calibration with a parallel-plate capacitance sensor. Transactions of the ASABE. 55(4):1583-1587.
- S. Sanogo and N. Puppala. 2012. Microorganisms Associated with Valencia Peanut Affected by Pod Rot in New Mexico. Peanut Science 39(2) 95-104.
- Rowland, D, N. Puppala, J. Beasley Jr., M. Burow, D. Gorbet, D. Jordan, H. Melouk, C. Simpson, J. Bostick and J. Ferrell. 2012. Variation in carbon isotope ration and its relation to other traits in peanut breeding lines and cultivars from U.S. Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science. 4(9):144-155.
- Belamkar, V. M.G. Selvaraj, J.L. Ayers, P.R. Payton, N. Puppala and M.D. Burow. 2011. A first insight into population structure and linkage disequilibrium in the US peanut minicore collection. Genetica.
- Kottapalli, P. H.D. Upadhyaya, K.R. Kottapalli, P. Payton, S.L. Dwivedi, K.O. David, S. Sanogo and N. Puppala*. 2011. Population structure and diversity in Valencia peanut germplasm collection. Crop Science 1089-1100.
- Selvaraj, M.J., G. Burow, J. J. Burke, V. Belamkar, N.Puppala, and M. D. Burow. 2011. Heat Stress Screening of Peanut Seedlings for Acquired Thermotolerance. Acta Physiologiae plantarum.
- Singkham, S., S. Jogloy, T. Kesmala, P. Swatsitang, P. Jaisil and N. Puppala. Genotypic Variability and Genotype by Environment Interactions in Oil and Fatty Acids in High, Intermediate and Low Oleic Acid Peanut Genotypes. 2010. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58:6257-6263.
- Paxton Payton, Kameswara Rao Kottapalli, Diane Rowland, Wilson Faircloth, Baozhu Guo, Mark Burow, Naveen Puppala, Maria Gallo. (2009) Gene expression profiling in peanut using high density oligonucleotide microarrays. BMC Genomics 10: 265.
- Kameswara R. Kottapalli, Randeep Rakwal, Junko Shibato, Gloria Burow, David Tissue, John Burke, Naveen Puppala, Mark Burow, Paxton Payton. 2009. Physiology and proteomics of the water-deficit stress response in three contrasting peanut genotypes. Plant Cell and Environment 32: 380-407.
Present Students Funded by USAID-Bureau of Food Security, Peanut and Mycotoxin Innovation Lab, through the University of Georgia, project NMS-172
- Rachael Nalugo - M.S. in Plant Breeding. Makerere University, Uganda. Title of the project: Introgression of Rosette Virus Resistant Genes into Exotic Valencia Varieties using Conventional Breeding.
- Wambi Wilber - M.S. in Plant Breeding. Makerere University, Uganda. Title of the project: Introgression of Leaf Spot Resistant Genes in Valencia Groundnut.
- Mulindwa Joseph - MSc. in Food Science and Technology. Makerere University, Uganda Title of the Project: Production, Acceptability and Stability of Pro-Vitamin A enhanced Peanut Butter.
- Julius Kwesiga - MSc in Agronomy. Makerere University, Uganda. Title of the project: Effects of Rhizobium inoculation on Growth and Yield of Groundnut Cultivars in Uganda.
- Supattra Mahakosee - MSc in Crop Science. Khon Kaen University. Title of the project: Evaluating Valencia Core Collection for Iron and Zinc content.
- Phillip Lujan - MSc in Plant Pathology. New Mexico State University. Title of the project: Mycelium Pigmentation in Relation to Pathogenicity of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on Valencia Peanut.
* Unavailable to take on new graduate students.