Nicole Pietrasiak

2008 - 2012: Ph.D., Soil and Water Sciences, University of California at Riverside,
2005 - 2007: M.S., Biology, John Carroll University,
2002 - 2003: Study abroad, Geography and Environmental Biology, St. Andrews University, Scotland UK.
1998 - 2005: Diploma of Geography, Major: Geography, 1st Minor: Biology 2nd, Minor Geology, University of Leipzig, Germany,
Professional Appointments
2015-present Assistant Professor for Environmental Soil Microbiology, Plant & Environmental Sciences Department, New Mexico State University.
2015-2015 Research Associate and Lab Manager, The Holden Arboretum, Kirkland, Ohio.
2014-2015: Collection Curator and Research Associate, John Carroll University.
2012-2013: Post-Doctoral Researcher, John Carroll University.